Neonatal Ultrasound Lumbosacral Spine – Normal

NEONATAL ULTRASOUND LUMBOSACRAL SPINE – Normal Clinical information: Findings: The cord terminates at T12 with a normal appearing conus.  The cauda equina and filum terminalis are normal and freely mobile.  No evidence of tethering is seen. The posterior bony structures are within normal limits with no evidence of dysraphism.  No evidence of a cyst/mass, meningocele, […]

Ultrasound – Pediatric Renal – Normal

ULTRASOUND – PEDIATRIC RENAL – NORMAL Clinical Information: Comparison: ___________ Findings: Both kidneys have a normal size and shape with smooth contour and normal echotexture for age. The central echogenic complexes have a normal appearance with no hydronephrosis. The right kidney measures __cm, the left kidney __cm. This is within the 95% predicted limit for […]

MRI Brain – Paediatric

MRI BRAIN – PAEDIATRIC Clinical Information: Technique: Axial T1, T2, IR and GRE imaging was acquired. T2 sagittal and T2, IR and T1 IR coronal imaging was also obtained. T1 3D imaging was also acquired. Comparison: ___________ Findings: No intra or extra-axial mass lesion or collection is identified. The midline structures are normal with no […]

Neonatal Ultrasound Head – Normal

NEONATAL ULTRASOUND HEAD – Normal Clinical Information: Findings: Normal intracranial anatomy is demonstrated. The sulcal/gyral pattern has a normal appearance for age and there is no midline shift. The midline structures are unremarkable. Normal parenchymal echogenicity is seen. The choroid and caudo-thalamic grooves have a normal appearance. The ventricles and sulcal spaces have a normal […]

Ultrasound Neonatal Hips

NORMAL ULTRASOUND NEONATAL HIPS Clinical information: Findings: The left hip demonstrates a sharp acetabular margin with good depth and angulation.  The labrum is well formed. The right hip demonstrates a sharp acetabular margin with good depth and angulation.  The labrum is well formed. No joint laxity is seen. Conclusion: Normal bilateral hip ultrasound. No joint […]