CT Neck Vessels – Normal
NORMAL CT NECK VESSELS and CIRCLE OF WILLIS Clinical Information: Technique: Fine slice post IV contrast helical CT images were obtained from the aortic arch to the vertex of the skull. Soft tissue and bone windows were reconstructed. Comparison: ___________ Findings: Vessels: The aortic arch has a normal appearance with conventional anatomy and no atheromatous […]
Ultrasound Carotid Doppers
NORMAL CAROTID DOPPLER ULTRASOUND Clinical Information: Comparison: ___________ Findings: The common carotids, internal and external carotids have a normal appearance. No evidence of plaque, stenosis or dilation is seen. No spectral broadening, acceleration or deceleration is seen. Right Neck Arteries ICA/CCA Ratio: ____ Left Neck Arteries ICA/CCA Ratio: ____ Conclusion: Normal doppler ultrasound carotids. Copy […]
Lower Limb Venous Ultrasound
LOWER LIMB VENOUS DOPPLER ULTRASOUND Clinical information: Findings: The common femoral, superficial femoral and popliteal veins in the ____ lower limb all show normal flow, compression and augmentation. The anterior tibial, posterior tibial and peroneal veins all show flow and augmentation with no evidence of thrombus. Conclusion: Normal ____ Doppler lower limb ultrasound. No evidence […]
Normal CT Pulmonary Angiogram
NORMAL CT PULMONARY ANGIOGRAM Clinical Information: Technique: Fine slice pulmonary artery phase helical CT images were obtained from the lung apices to the lung bases. Mediastinal and lung windows were reconstructed. Comparison: ___________ Findings: The pulmonary arteries have a normal appearance with no fillings defects to suggest a pulmonary embolus. The heart, great vessels, trachea […]