Clinical Information:
Axial T1, T2, IR and GRE imaging was acquired. T2 sagittal and T2, IR and T1 IR coronal imaging was also obtained. T1 3D imaging was also acquired.
No intra or extra-axial mass lesion or collection is identified. The midline structures are normal with no midline shift.
The sulcal/gyral pattern is appropriate for age. There is normal grey/white matter differentiation and appropriate myelination. No abnormal inversion recovery or GRE signal is seen.
No evidence of a cleavage or migration abnormality is seen. No cortical dysplasia is seen. The mesial temporal regions are normal.
The ventricles and sulcal spaces are normal.
The orbits, paranasal sinuses and mastoid air cells are normal for age. No bony abnormality is seen.
The foramen magnum and craniocervical junction is normal.
Normal MRI brain with no evidence of a migration or cleavage abnormality. No dysplasia is seen.