This is a distillation of several approaches described online, including a recent template on RadReport by the Society of Abdominal Radiology Crohn’s disease-focused panel. The template attempts to provide a standard normal report than can be adjusted as necessary when there is minimal or no disease. View

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MRI Enterography for IBD - Normal

Clinical Information:



MR Enterography was performed according to department protocol. Cine imaging and dynamic post contrast imaging of the bowel was also performed.


Study Quality:

The bowel is well demonstrated, with good distribution of contrast and bowel distention.


There is no evidence of bowel wall thickening or oedema. No abnormal fat is seen in the bowel wall. There is normal small bowel plica circulares and colonic haustral patterning

Cine imaging demonstrates normal peristalsis.

There is no abnormal bowel wall enhancement in arterial, portal venous or delayed imaging. No restricted diffusion is seen. No ulceration is identified.

There is no evidence of penetrating disease. No fistula or abscess is identified.

There are no foci of stenosis or stricture. No dilated bowel or transition zone is identified.

Extraenteric assessment:

The small and large bowel mesenteric fat is normal, as is the omentum. No lymphadenopathy is seen.

Perianal disease:

No perianal disease is identified.

Bones and other soft tissues:

There is no evidence of sacroiliitis or sclerosing cholangitis. The liver, spleen, pancreas, adrenals and kidneys have a normal appearance. The lung bases and abdominal wall are normal.


Normal MRI Enterography