CT IVP Technique: Fine slice non-contrast, aterial phase, portal venous phase and delayed phase imaging was obtained from the lung bases to the symphysis pubis, with the arterial phase restricted to the upper abdomen. Comparison: ___________ Findings: The kidneys have a normal size and shape, with normal symmetric nephrograms and prompt excretion into the renal […]

CT CAP Oncology Comparison

CT CHEST-ABDO-PELVIS ONCOLOGY COMPARISON Technique: Post IV and oral contrast fine slice imaging was obtained from the lung apices to the lung bases and in portal venous phase from the lung bases to the symphysis pubis. Comparison: ___________ Findings: Primary: Metastases:   Lymphadenopathy:   Other Findings: Chest: The heart, great vessels, trachea and oesophagus have […]

CT Chest Abdomen and Pelvis

CT CHEST, ABDOMEN and PELVIS Technique: Post IV and oral contrast fine slice imaging was obtained from the lung apices to the lung bases and in portal venous phase from the lung bases to the symphysis pubis. Comparison: ___________ Findings: Chest: The heart, great vessels, trachea and oesophagus have a normal appearance. There is no […]

CT Wrist

CT WRIST Clinical Information:   Technique: Fine slice non contrast helical CT scan images were obtained through the left wrist. Bone and soft tissue reconstructions were performed. Findings: No fractures or other bony abnormalities are identified in the [___] wrist. The radiocarpal joint has a normal appearance. No scaphoid or hook of hamate fracture is […]

CT Skull Base

CT PETROUS TEMPORAL BONES Clinical Information: Technique: Fine slice non-contrast helical CT images were obtained through the skull base. Bone and soft tissue windows were reconstructed. Comparison: ___________ Findings: Right Side: No focal bony abnormality is identified in the skull base. The external auditory canal, middle ear, vestibular-cochlear apparatus and internal acoustic canal have a […]

CT Neck

CT NECK – NORMAL Clinical Information: Technique: Fine slice post IV contrast helical CT images were obtained from the skull base to the thoracic inlet. Soft tissue and bone windows were reconstructed. Findings: The neck compartments are well demarcated with no evidence of a mass lesion. The pharyngeal and glottic regions are normal. The parapharyngeal […]

CT Coronary Arteries

CORONARY ARTERY CT Clinical Information: The patient has stable symptoms consistent with coronary ischemia, is at low to intermediate risk of coronary artery disease and would have been considered for coronary angiography. Technique: CT coronary angiogram was performed following intravenous contrast as per CT CA protocol. Heart rate at the time of acquisition was ___ […]

CT Cervical Spine – normal

CT Cervical spine – Normal Clinical Information: Technique: Fine slice non-contrast helical CT images were obtained from the skull base to the thoracic inlet. Bone and soft windows were reconstructed. Comparison: ___________ Findings: No fractures or other bony abnormalities are identified in the cervical spine. The vertebral bodies and discs are of normal height with […]

CT Paranasal Sinuses

CT Paranasal Sinuses Clinical Information: Technique: Fine slice non-contrast helical CT images were obtained through the paranasal sinuses. Bone and soft tissue windows were reconstructed. Comparison: ___________ Findings: The paranasal sinuses are clear, with no mucoperiosteal thickening, mucous retention cysts or air-fluid levels. The osteomeatal complexes have a normal appearance and no abnormal air cells […]

CT Facial Bones

CT Facial Bones – Trauma Clinical Information: Technique: Fine slice non-contrast helical CT images were obtained through the facial bones. Soft tissue and bone windows were reconstructed. Comparison: ___________ Findings: No fractures or bony abnormalities are identified in the facial bones. The zygomatic arch is normal and there is no diastasis of the frontozygomatic suture. […]